A recent trend report by Trendhunter highlights 18 different trends for 2020. They include the importance for a brand to connect with different generations and serve in new ways. Successful brands have become part of communities and part of conversations.
One of the top 18 trends for 2020 is Catalysation – where Brands have taken a role of accelerating the personal development of consumers. Brands are showcasing a dedication and commitment to causes that help consumers and their overall growth and development.
An area of interest for personal development this year is nourishing stronger relationships, specifically to benefit families through focussing on marriages. TIME magazine wrote “We have launched highly effective public education campaigns on much less momentous issues, from smoking to recycling…For now, the decline in marriage is our most ignored national crisis.”
Research shows many benefits of marriage but one of the most important one is that children raised by both parents at home perform better in school, have less addiction, less teen pregnancy and less trouble with the law. Single motherhood is the greatest cause of poverty among women and children.
South African Stats
- It is estimated that only 38% of our children grow up with a mom and dad.
- Divorce rates are still rising with 25 390 divorces per year (70 per day, counting every day of the year)
- Children are the collateral damage of divorce. Divorces affected 14 121 (55.6%) children under 18-years-old.
Consider the positive influence of a healthy family on our society. It is best described by a Chinese proverb: “When there is love in a marriage, there is harmony in the home; when there is harmony in the home, there is contentment in the community; when there is contentment in the community, there is prosperity in the nation; when there is prosperity in the nation, there is peace in the world.”
What can we do?
With a clear vision and strategy for 2020, INTIEM and Marriage Capsule will help couples achieve marital health and wellbeing, ensuring families stay together and communities prosper. We achieved a reach of over a million people in South Africa monthly in 2019 and host the annual South African Marriage Week.
If you would like to get involved as a brand and position your company as an influencer for change please mail me directly liezel@intiem.co.za
Our newly launched Corporate Bundle Packages for 2020 will ensure your brand not only contributes to positive change but do great marketing with measurable ROI.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Liezel van der Merwe
Managing Editor INTIEM