Het jy geweet dat 1 uit elke 3 vroue wêreldwyd fisiese of seksuele geweld in hul leeftyd ervaar? Dit is tyd om beheer oor jou veiligheid te neem en jouself te bemagtig! By Defense For Life, is hul missie om vroue te bemagtig deur hulle te voorsien van die noodsaaklike vaardighede en selfvertroue wat nodig is om hulself doeltreffend teen enige bedreiging te verdedig!

Hul bekostigbare kursus is vinnig, maklik en ongelooflik effektief – net 5 minute per dag of ‘n Saterdagoggend is al wat dit neem om te voltooi. Dink jy dit gaan moeilik wees? Glad nie! Hul tegnieke is eenvoudig maar kragtig, wat selfverdediging toeganklik maak vir almal. En dis nie al nie! Ter ere van Moedersmaand hierdie Mei, kan jy een van 3 kursusse wen!

Lees sommer self wat sê die span agter Defense for Life:

Learn life-saving techniques in our self-defense course. Our program offers easy, effective, and time-efficient methods taught through concise video tutorials. Gain skills to defend yourself in various scenarios and prevent attacks, while adopting mindset shifts for self-protection. Solve the pressing issues of crime, sexual violence, assault, and more to safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Enroll now for peace of mind and security.

Well as intimidating and daunting the topic of preparing and prioritizing something that hasn’t happened yet but could can be especially if what you actually just want to do is look away on not think about such a scary thought. I think this course really hightens my quality of life by knowing that I’m doing everything I can to prevent or win an unforeseen event like this. These videos can be completely in your own time whenever you have a gap and they are so easy to digest even if you’ve never been into sports or any physical training.

From a personal standpoint point, one of my family members have been attached and to this day she says she wished that she was better at knowing what to do in a scenario like that. No one wants to think worse case scenario but it’s our responsibility to take care of our safety as well as our family’s.

Dion Fransman the owner teaches it on camera showing the moves with videos😊🙏 The course is $49 without discount. You can access the course at any time and keep it for lifetime.

Kom ons staan saam teen geweld en bemagtig vroue wêreldwyd! Besoek www.defenseforlife.com vir meer info!

Wat sê ander dames wat alreeds hierdie kursus voltooi het? Kyk gerus na hierdie videos:



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