Hier is die Temperament Meestersklas saam met dr Arnold Mol! Nadat jy hierdie meestersklas voltooi het is jy gereed vir die volgende stap – die volledige LOFS Temperament kursus. JA! Ons wil die volledige LOFS Temperament Kursus doen!


“Ek het so rukkie terug ‘n wonderlike gesprek met dr Arnold Mol gehad!

En die inligting wat dr Arnold met my gedeel het is so waardevol en insiggewend dat ek dit graag met jou wil deel! Wanneer ek iets in die hande kry wat ek weet paartjies se lewens en huwelike kan verander is ek passievol om die inligting by soveel as moontlik mense uit te kry!

Ek glo dat as paartjies toegerus is met die nodige kennis kan hulle ‘n verskil in hul huwelik maak!


So ek het besluit om jou GRATIS toegang tot die Temperament Meestersklas saam met Dr Arnold Mol te gee!” – Liezel (Besturende Redakteur van INTIEM en Stigter van Marriage Capsule)

Nadat jy hierdie meestersklas voltooi het is jy gereed vir die volgende stap – die volledige LOFS Temperament kursus. JA! Ons wil die volledige LOFS Temperament Kursus doen!


Die notas van Dr Arnold Mol (in Engels):

When you are married to a FOUNTAIN:
You need to “organise” them a great deal – You need to give them lots of reminders, notes etc. especially about time.
You need to give them lots of approval and encouragement – They need to hear regularly that you enjoy being with them
You need to pin them down with regard to what they are thinking – They can talk a lot without saying anything – and often try to be humorous
You need to ignore their fluctuating moods (and unkept promises) – Except them to change their minds frequently

When you are married to an OCEAN:
You need to use logical arguments when trying to influence them – They don’t relate well to people who go by their “feelings”
You need to express admiration for their accomplishments – But do it in a matter-of-fact manner
You need to ignore their “cold” and abrupt manner at times – Don’t take it personally or think that you have upset them.
You need to accept their forthright manner at face value – They will always mean what they say – no hidden agendas

When you are married to an SNOW:
You need to encourage and reassure them often – Their perfectionism (and self-doubt) is a constant burden to them.
You need to “guess” what they expect you to do for them – Don’t wait for them to ask you for help – they will do it themselves and then blame you for not helping them.
You need to accept their “pessimistic” views – They are inclined to see only the problems.
You need to accept their moods and frequent “upsets” without saying anything – They may be inclined to take their frustrations out on you – and later be extra nice to you without admitting their guilt.

When you are married to a LAKE:
You need to draw them out whenever there are differences of opinions – They will avoid conflict in any way they can.
You need to push them to make decisions – If given the option, they will leave it to others or hope the problem will go away.
You need to be patient with their procrastination and indecisiveness – It is an emotional strain for them to commit themselves to anything new.
You need to accept their lack of communication and feedback – They are inclined to think it, rather than say it.

Is jy gereed om ‘n permanente verskil in jou huwelik te sien?? JA! Ons wil die volledige LOFS Temperament Kursus doen!