Huweliksweek (1-7 September) is om die draai! Die tema hierdie jaar is – ‘n Seisoen om mekaar te koester. Dit is ‘n wonderlike geleentheid om te fokus op jou huwelik. Vir ‘n ‘Date Night’ en ‘n spesiale bederf. Wat jy in hierdie week doen kan ‘n groot impak op jou toekoms hê. Wees gretig om aan jou huwelik te werk. Jou huwelik maak saak!


Huweliksweek word aangebied deur SA Focus on the Family. Hier is hulle brief en uitnodiging aan jou:

Hi Friends

It’s almost September – that means it’s time for SA Marriage Week 2022!!! We’re so excited about this year’s theme: A Season To CHERISH.


There are many different seasons in marriage – and every couple will go through highs and lows but the most important ingredient to marriage, which remains the foundation, is LOVE. Through the art of cherishing, you help keep love alive through all seasons of marriage.

Subscribe here and you will receive an email every day from 1 to 7 September that will pour into your marriage.

Take the free Marriage Assessment to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your marriage, and learn about all that’s on offer to get your marriage from good to great! There’s so much available to help you celebrate marriage this year – so please spread the news!

Share this mail with your friends and family – and be sure to like our FB Page here.

We’re also promoting some amazing marriage resources this year. Click here to check it all out here.

Happy SA Marriage Week 2022!